apartments for children and for families
in the Alps of Central Europe
850-2680 m / 2790-8800 ft Wagrain, Salzburg, Austria

Deutsch / German Englisch / English

homepageactivities in the summer in Wagrain in Salzburgactivities in the winter in Wagrain in Salzburgground plan of our apartments

Family Elisabeth und Günter Stratznig

A-5602 Wagrain, Haid 39 am Kirchboden  - Austria

Phone: +43(0)6413/8239-0
Fax: +43 (0)6413/8239-39
e-mail :

* * * 3 star
6 comfortable flats with satellite TV and WLAN

  • The family-friendly holiday house in Wagrain,
  • in the Salzburger Sportworld Amadé in the middle of the mountains of Salzburg,
  • not far from the Mozart town of Salzburg.
  • Nature, sport and culture holidays
  • Skiing or hiking for the whole family while staying in a
  • comfortable apartment.

Apartmenthaus Kristall - the family-friendly holiday-house in Wagrain, in the Sportworld Amadé of Salzburg


Current weather on 10/03/2013 for Wagrain / Salzburg / Austria 
900 m / 3.000 ft altitude)

Sonnenauf- und untergang Sonnenaufgang


Mondauf- und untergang Mondaufgang 05:28
Sonnenuntergang 18:05 Monduntergang 16:49
Deutsch / German France
Italienisch / Italiano Dansk


at 08:45

anklicken für Bergkamera am Grafenberg in Wagrain

Max 2.1°C
or 35.7°F 
at 00:32 
Min 1.4°C
or 34.6°F 
at 01:08
Max. temp. yesterday: 5.3 °C at 13:25
Min. temp. yesterday: -0.1 °C at 02:34
Temperature change: 0.0 °C
Humidity: 97 %
Wind: %dirlabelfrenchl% /0,1 km/h
yesterday today  last hour
0.0 1.0 mm 5.4 mm
Snow Bottom
Snowdepth Bottom: 50 cm
Last  snowfall: 5 cm on  27/02/13

Update every hour
Max and  Min are datas since midnight
Averages and extrems 1988 - 2000

Weather on the mountains of Wagrain / Salzburg / Austria 
(1.760 m / 5.774 ft altitude - 10/03/2013)

Temperatur: -0.9

at 08:00

anklicken für Webcam am Grafenberg in Wagrain

Wagrain Snow reaport:
last Snowfall: 09/03/2013
Snowdepth at
at 1.740 m  / 5.774 ft:
155 cm

Update of the mountains datas every day
Bericht über die Lawinenlage des Land Salzburg
Averages and extrems (clima) 1988 - 2000

Webcam Wagrain

upicto webcam widget loading...
Weather at Airport %downloadedmetar1name%, %downloadedmetar1time%
55 km / 34 mi distance (as the crow flies) between 
Wagrain (Sea Level 900 m / 2950 ft) and 
Airport Salzburg (Sea Level 430 m / 1410 ft)
Visibility %downloadedmetar1sky%.
Barometer reading:  %downloadedmetar1press%
Humidity reading:  %downloadedmetar1humi%
Temperature reading: %downloadedmetar1temp%
Wind readings (speed and direction): %downloadedmetar1wind%
Weather on Airport %downloadedmetar2name%, %downloadedmetar2time%
38 km / 24 mi distance (as the crow flies) between 
Wagrain (Sea Level 900 m / 2950 ft) and 
Airport Zell am See (Sea Level 753 m / 2470 ft) Elev. 2470´ / 753m 
Visibility %downloadedmetar2sky%.
Barometer reading:  %downloadedmetar2press%
Humidity reading:  %downloadedmetar2humi%
Temperature reading: %downloadedmetar2temp%
Wind readings (speed and direction): %downloadedmetar2wind%

Moonphase: 3%

Moonphase: 3%

Cloud heigh (Berechnung aufgrund des Taupunktes):  948 m /  3111 ft


CET = Central Europe Time = UTC + 1 Hour
CEST = Central Europe Summer Time = UTC + 1 Hour
MEZ = Mitteleuropäische Zeit (Winterzeit) = UTC + 1 Hour 
MESZ =  Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit = UTC + 2 Hour
UTC = Universal Time Coordinated. = Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

activities in the Summer - activities in the Winterthe apartments - prices & vacancies - location

for more information in German:
Hauptseite - Wetter - Anreise - unsere Apartments - Preis & Belegung - Ausflugsziele - SalzburgerLandCard - Schnappschüsse - für Ihr Baby und Kleinkind

Copyright und Gestaltung: Günter Stratznig -